SBE/WBE Certified Company

About Ironwood Contracting
Ironwood Contracting was founded in 2006 and is located in North Branch, Minnesota. We provide numerous services ranging from earthwork to demolition to environmental work for commercial and industrial sites. We are a certified small business enterprise and women’s business enterprise (SBE/WBE) that provides versatility to our clients (i.e. owners, general contractors, developers).
In 2016, Ironwood Contracting was given the opportunity to provide the civil work for the North Star Solar Farm in North Branch, Minnesota. This project is the largest of its type in the Midwest and is a 1,200 acre/100 MW farm. It was up and running in 7 months. Our work on this project was “civil inclusive”, and included all erosion control, demolition of existing structures, clearing/grubbing of several hundred acres, mass grading the 1,200-acre site, road building, and installation of over 12 miles of 8’ game fence. Our client enjoyed a “one-stop” civil package, which increased their ability to focus on the components upon which they worked best.
To date we have provided civil work to solar energy projects that provide over 300 MW of utility scale power, which ranged from 3 MW to over 130 MW in size. We believe the process of working in the solar environment on numerous small and large projects has given Ironwood Contracting a unique ability and opportunity to provide a distinct value to future solar energy projects within our state and nationwide.



Renewable energy

Superior Service Through Value Engineering
Earthwork - Demolition - Environmental - Renewable Energy
SBE/WBE Certified Company
- Office | (651) 674-0046
- Fax | (651) 674-6173
- Email |
- P.O. Box 460
- North Branch, MN 55056